
To the fiercely independent singles who are SO OVER wasting your time and energy on dating the WRONG ONES that you've pretty much given up:


Instead, learn the secrets to dating productively with more ease so that you can finally find your soulmate partner!

Dating with INTENTION is the best way to make dating easier and more productive so that you can find a supportive, attuned partner without wasting so much time and energy

I was in your shoes once...

Where every relationship you’re in ends in heartache, frustration and wasted time…

You were NOT CHOSEN by someone you cared so much about.

You tell yourself that there aren’t any ‘good ones’ left at your age, or that nobody wants a committed relationship anymore, or that it must not be your destiny to be coupled up.

So how do you ever expect to find a great mate if the problem lies in circumstances beyond your control?

My friend, circumstances are NEVER the reason you don't have what you want!

If that were the case, nobody would be able create anything in their life! It'd all just be left up to luck and chance.

But that is good news! Because that means when you find the REAL reason you don't have what you want, you can course correct!

Why be intentional?

Intention is a way of directing energy and attention – our own as well as the energy of the Universe. 

Intention supports us to actively clarify what we want to participate more fully and consciously with what is happening in our lives. 

Therefore, by consciously working with intention, our lives become more mindful, co-creative and self-directed. 

Rather than just letting life happen, we can use intention to consciously co-create it with Spirit. 

Dating with intention involves 3 things:

Aligning to Spiritual Truths

Learning 12 spiritual principles that will ignite your empowerment and teach you how to co-create with the Universe

Inner Exploration

Taking the time to explore your current pattern from an energetic perspective and transforming all that is keeping you from being totally magnetic to your ideal mate

Taking New Aligned Action

Using what you learned in the first two steps to get super clear on what you want and take bold new action to be visible out in the world to find it

Introducing my new program:

It’s a club for those that want to date more productively and with more ease so that they can find the soulmate partner of their dreams!


Dating Alchemy is more of a club and community than it is a course.


You won’t just be given access to a bunch of modules and left to fend for yourself.


This club is interactive. You get to be part of a community with others that have SAME problem as you and who are going through the SAME struggles.


Yes, there will be learning modules, but the real transformation happens on the group calls, in coaching sessions and in the interactions with each other.


This is what you'll learn:

Section 1: Learn the secrets of the Universe so you can harness your energy and your MIND effectively to create the outcome you want!

(spoilers! This applies to ANYTHING you want, not just finding a great mate)

In this section we'll do a deep dive on 12 Spiritual Principles that will shake up the way you currently think about your predicament and will put the power directly back in your court.

When you align to these spiritual principles, feelings of ,stuck-ness, hopelessness, fear, anger, resentment will melt into confidence, empowerment and a feeling that what you want is inevitable.

Section 2: Get the keys to unlocking your own potential!

This section is all about inner exploration.

After completing section 1, you'll realize how you have been using your energy inefficiently to create your current predicament.

This section is all about examining the parts of your energetic pattern that have been communicating the wrong things out into the world.

We'll examine your current pattern, it's causes and guide you toward shifting it so that you become completely magnetic to the types of partners you DO want.

You'll go from feeling 'not chosen' and perhaps even like you are 'damaged goods' to feeling whole, complete, and enough just as you are.

Section 3: Create the vision of what you truly want!

This is the section where the rubber meets the road!

You'll use what you learned in the first two sections and apply it toward intentional ACTION.

It's the action that is going to help you to co-create your desired outcome with the Universe.

This section is all about gaining clarity on what you're trying to create and developing your plan to create it.

You'll go from feeling clueless, like you are wasting time, or being unproductive to feeling like you are the captain of this ship!

How does the club work?

• Membership of 1 calendar year
• Curriculum delivered via videos and worksheets
• 2x/month group calls with opportunities for individual coaching
• 3x/month office hours (for individualized help on a topic)
• Special Workshops
• Guest Speakers

Crave more 1:1 time?

There is an optional VIP add on which includes:
2x/month 60 minute 1:1 sessions

What is the investment for Dating Alchemy?

It’s waaaay less than having to front a deposit on a new place, hire movers and buy new furnishings after a breakup! (which could run you $1000 – $5000)

It’s waaaay less than a year of traditional therapy! (which could run you $2000-4000)

It’s waaaay less than missing out on the opportunity cost of being partnered up and splitting monthly finances. ($2000 to $4000 saved monthly)

The investment for Dating Alchemy is $497 $319 ($1500 for VIP add-on) for the whole year!

The price is discounted for this beta round! I’m looking for 10 individuals who want to become founding members and help me to make it something special!

It will never be offered for this price again!

(Monthly payment plans available)

You might be wondering 'Will it work for me?'

Yes! You will be different at the end of the program than when you started.

Even if all you do is learn the spiritual principles, you will think differently; which means you will take different actions. 

And different actions is what is going to bring you a new dating result.

What results can you expect?

This is what is possible for you:

No Hassle Guarantee

What if it doesn't work for you or you find out it's not for you?

I don't want unhappy clients! If you aren't satisfied for any reason, simply email me.

You get a no questions asked prorated money back guarantee/no hassle stop payment.

You only pay for what you use!

Beta Round Bonuses:

Who is Datng Alchemy for?

Who is Datng Alchemy not for?

Frequently Asked Questions:

People in groups evolve faster than those going it along. Peer support is crucial to transformation. That being said, I get it. I don’t love hanging out in online groups. But I do love to be able to crowdsource answers to my questions. And in a situation such as dating where it’s nice to get unbiased answers to your situation, it can be invaluable by helping you to see things you may have missed.  Your friends and family are great to vent to, but when you are in a group of people with same problems as you and who are learning the same things as you, you’re going to get much more useful information.

The lessons are self-paced. You’ll want to spend some time on the lessons before group calls so that you can be prepared to ask questions and get coaching. Group calls are twice a month and are scheduled for 90 minutes. There will be the occasional workshop which can run from 2 hours to 4 hours. Everything will be recorded so if you can’t make it live, you can watch a replay. And of course, the more you participate in the community, the more you will personally get out of the club. What I will tell you is that the more you make this a priority the faster you will find that mate you are looking for.

It depends. If you have experienced so much trauma that its interfering with your day to day life and in many areas of your life, then yes, you should seek a qualified professional. If you have trouble regulating your emotions, meaning you spend a lot of time either being anxious or depressed, then yes, you should seek a qualified professional. To get the most out of this program, you will need to have the skills to return yourself to a more moderate baseline.

Yes, of course you have done work on yourself! And I assure you, it did help even if it was not super noticeable. Self-growth is cyclical. It’s like peeling an onion. You may have only peeled the first layer or two. If you would have gotten to the core of it, you wouldn’t have this problem. Each time you re-examine an issue and shine light on it in a different way, new pieces of it become ready to be healed and released. Unfortunately, that’s just how healing works. Joining Dating Alchemy could your chance to heal it for good. There are never any guarantees but if you do the work, you WILL see positive changes.

No. While we will be working with those things that have hurt us in the past, we work with it in the present. There is no need to dig for pain in order for a shift to occur.

No. You will sign a contract but it’s more service level agreement than contract. It will stipulate what you get and set the expectations on both sides. You can cancel any time if you aren’t satisfied and you’ll be refunded a prorated amount or your payments will be cancelled. No questions asked.

Yes, you totally can do this work on your own. I did. But be prepared for it to take you a lot more time to figure it out on your own. Not getting help sooner is one of my biggest regrets because in just MONTHS after I learned how energy works, I met my husband. Why struggle when you don’t have to?

Who am I?

Like you, I struggled for YEARS with dating. Every single relationship turned out some flavor of the same - where I WAS NOT CHOSEN.

After the breakup of my second engagement and the string of men I met afterward who just wanted a casual thing, I knew something had to change!

I thought seriously about just staying single and taking myself off the market. But the more I thought about that, the shittier it made me feel.

I was really feeling like there was seriously something wrong me! I was a catch! Why were these guys not choosing me?

Why were these the types I was attracted to?

It was a highly frustrating time in my life. So I know how you feel.

What changed everything for me was when I went to see a psychic medium that a friend had suggested to me.

She suggested I read a book. It was a spiritual based book that taught me the beginnings of how energy works.

It helped me to understand what was creating this dating situation. It gave me hope that I could actually DO something about it. I felt…empowered for the first time in a long time.

About 3 months after I started taking charge of my energy and how I was using it, I met the man who is now my husband.


And I can help you to do the same (only you will have support and don't have to piece it all together on your own like I did).