
Spiritual Dating Coach

If you have a deep desire to find your soulmate partner...

But things just never seem to work out for you…

And you aren’t sure what else you can do to finally find THE ONE and have new adventures…


Check out my upcoming FREE 3-day workshop!
Find Your Mate (Without Even Trying)
We start on October 10th!

Let's be real for a moment...

Dating can totally SUCK!

It sucks not being chosen by someone you care so much about.

It sucks when you find out that you are way more invested in the relationship than they are.

It sucks that you keep finding the same kinds of mates over and over.

And it sucks to have to keep starting over.

I get it. I’ve been there too. 

And I’m here to tell you, doesn’t have to be that way.

There is something you can do about it.


The ONE shift you must make

If you want to find your perfect partner NOW...you must believe it can happen NOW

If you do any of these things, then likely you are not believing that you can have what you want RIGHT NOW:

If you're ready to make the shifts necessary to find your soulmate, check out my private program...

Here Is What My Clients Say About Their Coaching Experience

I'm ready to take the first step toward finding my soulmate partner!

Meet Your Coach!

Certified Strategic Intervention Coach
Certified Sacred Depths Coach
Certified RMT 100 Coach
Energy Healer

Like you, I struggled for YEARS with dating. Every single relationship turned out some flavor of the same – where I WAS NOT CHOSEN.


After the breakup of my second engagement and the string of men I met afterward who just wanted a casual thing, I knew something had to change!


I thought seriously about just staying single and taking myself off the market. But the more I thought about that, the shittier it made me feel.


I was really feeling like there was seriously something wrong me! I was a catch! Why were these guys not choosing me?


Why were these the types I was attracted to?


It was a highly frustrating time in my life. So I know how you feel.


What changed everything for me was when I went to see a psychic medium that a friend had suggested to me.


She suggested I read a book. It was a spiritual based book that taught me the beginnings of how energy works.


It helped me to understand what was creating this dating situation. It gave me hope that I could actually DO something about it. I felt…empowered for the first time in a long time.


About 3 months after I started taking charge of my energy and how I was using it, I met the man who is now my husband.




And I can help you to do the same (only you will have support and don’t have to piece it all together on your own like I did).

The work we do together is not just about finding your dream partner.

It’s about empowering you to create the life you want!

I'm ready to take the first step toward finding my soulmate partner!

Jen Youngquist 2023 All rights reserved