
ReWiring Session

Rewire unhelpful beliefs or negative thought patterns
so you can get started on the path to true partnership NOW!
emotionally available partner

The Six Step Rewiring Process:

That will help you Create The Life You Want

In 60 minutes we will to through each of the steps below to help you identify and shift what has been blocking you from what you want

Book Your Session

Sessions are $47 for 60 minutes

Identify Unhelpful Thoughts

In order to shift an unhelpful thought, it first needs to be identified. Awareness is created through a series of thought provoking questions.

Bring in Compassion

The part of you that holds this thought needs to be witnessed and loved before any kind of shift can happen. We spend some time holding space for that part of you that holds the unhelpful belief.


We take time to understand where the unhelpful thought is coming from and why

Identify A Helpful Thought

This is the beginning of paving a new neural pathway. We help you identify a new thought you can believe right now that will help you to move forward.

Anchor The New Thought

We take the time to anchor the new thought somatically by making a body memory and letting the new belief show you what actions are possible for you when you believe it.

Take Easy Action

This is where we strategize on what action steps you can take and what you can do to strengthen your new belief to turn it into a way of being.

You Are a Powerful Being...

You must co-create your outcome with the universe

If you want a different relationship outcome, you have to shake up the energy and take different action. The Universe will simply give you what you believe is possible, which isn’t necessarily what you WANT


Don’t give your power away to chance. Date like it’s your JOB! The fastest way to get what you want is to take the time to examine your current relationship patterns and shift the unhelpful beliefs that are behind them

Take action NOW

Don’t let another 2, 4, 10 years go by! Suffering is optional. You can get yourself onto the path of partnership TODAY! Isn’t your future worth $47?Book your session below to get started.

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