true love

Believe it or not, finding your true love partner is totally within your own power.

You might love being single, for now.

But I bet you are choosing it because everyone you meet is always some level of emotionally unavailable. 

And I’m betting that someday you would like to meet that special person that you can actually share your life with (without having to demand to be a full part of theirs or be afraid they will disappear when things get too real.)

I Used to Be So Disempowered Around Finding True Love

This used to be me too.

I was starting to think there was something really wrong with me that I couldn’t see!

And I was about to give up dating completely.😒

If someone had told me what I’m about to tell you, I wouldn’t have believed them.🙅🏻‍♀️

I had to discover it on my own, unfortunately.

The Secret to Finding True Love

It’s this: we attract (and are attracted to) people who match our level of being able to give and receive love.

There are seven main areas that you need to be empowered in in order to attract the kind of love you dream of.

These 7 power pieces to love determine the degree to which you are open to giving and receiving love. 

The 7 power pieces are:

  1. My Existence is Valid 
  2. I have needs and they are important
  3. I can fully be me
  4. I belong
  5. I Determine my own experience
  6. I can stand up for myself
  7. I am fully open to love

The Pieces Work Together

Think of it like a puzzle.🧩

The puzzle isn’t complete if pieces are missing. 

The more pieces that are missing, the more fragile it is, right?

When all of the pieces are present, they work together to give shape and strength to the puzzle. 

It’s harder to break it up when it is completely together. 

This is similar to how the personal power ingredients work. 

They build on each other. Each piece is strengthened by the pieces around it. 🧩🧩🧩

What Happens When Pieces Are Missing?

When you are missing one of the 7 pieces, it means you have thoughts and deep seated beliefs that are draining your power in that area.

Those thoughts/beliefs keep you from being able to claim that piece of your power. 

👉🏻When you can’t claim that piece of your power, it leaves you vulnerable to people who will exploit that.

For example, let’s say you ignore your own needs because you deeply believe that you shouldn’t have any needs and that your needs are a burden to others.

And even if it was ok for you to have needs,  you certainly don’t believe that others should or will meet your needs.

These beliefs will cause you to: 

❌give and give to others and not accept anything in return (because that would feel weird).

❌Never choose yourself, therefore you are living your life for others

❌ Not ask for your needs to be met

❌ And if you do ask for your needs to be met, you will ask this of people who cannot/will not meet them

💥This leaves you vulnerable to toxic personalities who will take and take from you and never give. 

There Is Hope For Finding True Love

There are hundreds of other scenarios I can give you, but the point is, if you are some level of disempowered in any of those areas, you will be asking yourself at least one of two questions:

“Why does this always happen to me?”

“Why do I always do that?”

If so, I have something that might help.

I’m leading a free 5 day Bust Your Blocks to Love challenge in my Facebook group, The Path to Partnership.

The challenge is designed to get you started on the first step toward change; which is AWARENESS.

Each day I will go live in the group and go in depth on one or two of the power pieces AND give you specific things you can do to start to shift into empowerment.

By the end of the challenge you will know YOUR SPECIFIC blocks to love and what you can do to shift them.

If you want in you can join right here: https://jenyoungquist.com/challenge

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