soul partner

You would LOVE to find your soul partner.

But you have found it hard to find someone that isn’t intimidated by a strong, independent, successful woman.

To you lifelong bachelorettes and long-time divorcees that have refused to settle: I see you, I feel you

🔥You are a fiercely independent, successful, powerful woman.

🔥You aren’t willing to partner up just so you can say you have someone in your life.

🔥You aren’t willing to betray your values.

🔥You aren’t willing to put up with less than you know you deserve. (Not for long anyway)

🔥And you ARE willing to stay single for as long as it takes to find the right one – perhaps indefinitely, if that is what it takes. 

I honor you for remaining true to you.

Soul Partner: Are Men Intimidated By You?

I know you feel like most men out there are intimidated by a strong, independent woman. 

And there may be some truth to that. 

But those aren’t the men that you want anyway. 

So how do you go about finding the kind of partner that you DO want?

Soul Partner: The Energetics of Relationship

Understanding this will help you greatly: The whole relationship process is ENERGETIC. 

From manifesting and meeting someone to the mechanics of attraction, through to the dating process itself. 

Everyone has an energy broadcast that they walk around projecting, mostly unaware. 

Things that make up your energy broadcast are: past experience, old wounding, the degree to which you are willing to be vulnerable, your level of emotional availability, how you feel about yourself, your feelings, your actions and your beliefs. 

If you aren’t finding what you are looking for, then likely there is something in your energy broadcast that needs a tweak.

Even the smallest of shifts could have PROFOUND effects on your results. 

Shifts Happen Naturally, Right?

I hear you asking ‘won’t something shift naturally, that will bring me what I want?’

Sure, it could. 

But when is the last time you made any kind of major shift in your life without first having given it some attention?

You won’t shift your energy broadcast by:

  • ignoring the issue,
  • by changing your dating strategy,
  • by ‘putting yourself out there more’
  • or by becoming even more self-sufficient and independent.

You will just end up with shades of the same results – AND have lost MORE time to boot!

Be Intentional With Your Time

You are a smart woman who knows the value of her time and rarely allows anyone or anything to waste it. 

Which I suspect, is why you have put dating on the back burner.

You are tired of spending a year or more in each relationship only for it to turn out to be what you don’t want.

These trial and error relationships have already taken up a big chunk of your life.

You are intentional with your time in every other area of your life. That is why you have been successful.

Perhaps it time to put just as much intention and attention to figuring out what isn’t working in your love life and work on shifting it?

Helping women like you to dissect their energy broadcast and make the necessary shifts in order to find their ‘soulmate’ partner is exactly what I help do in my Path to Partnership program.

In this 6 month, weekly 1:1 program we work together to identify the things in your energy broadcast that will give you the biggest wins when tweaked. 

Then we do the work of accepting, engaging and integrating those things so that your broadcast becomes magnetic to the partner of your dreams. 

Here is the step by step process we go through:

1.  Identify what is in your energy broadcast that is bringing you the wrong partners

2. Then you own it. Often there is a really strong negative inner voice that doesn’t let you acknowledge this block. You will learn how to tame this voice. 

3. Examining the blocks. This is where you will connect all the dots and look for the Truth. This is where you build your roadmap and start to align with what matters most in life for you. 

4. Then we integrate all of that into your being so that those energy blocks are no longer running the show for you. 

5. Manifesting intentionally. You are always manifesting – now you get to do it with purpose

Plus you get some bonus energy work that will help:

  • Prepare you to do this work
  • Integrate the shifts you make
  • Release stuck emotional energy in the body

Want to know more about this and how to work with me? Schedule your free Path to Partnership session by clicking the button below. On this call, you will learn which key areas to focus on that will make the biggest difference in your results.

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