how to find your soulmate

How to find a soulmate

You’ve been single for a LONG time. Perhaps never having married. 

And it’s not from lack of trying!

Your heart has gone through the ringer multiple times, with nothing to show for it. 💔

Every guy (or gal) you pick turns out to be unsupportive or perhaps controlling in some way or simply will not allow you into his innermost world. 

What you long for is to be part of something special. You want to be cherished and supported.

You want to grow old with someone!

So why is it taking so long?

The Why How to find a soulmate

The why here is that you have a discrepancy between what you THINK you want, and what you actually BELIEVE. 

Attraction is all about energy. 

We humans are constantly sending out energy signals and reading the signals from others. 

So your attraction signal that you are sending out contains a mixed message

Real Life Example

For example, you might say you want a guy that will be open, and vulnerable with you and will welcome you into his life with joy. But you have a deep belief (that you probably aren’t even aware of) that love must be hard and it must be earned. You don’t want it if it’s just freely given. 

Which is why a person in this case would actually not even be attracted to the kind of man she says she wants. 

A guy like that will be friendzoned immediately!

How do I know? I’m speaking from experience here. This is exactly what I used to do. 

And it almost cost me my husband. 

I friendzoned him when I first met him. 😳

Do This If You Want To Find A Soulmate

The good news is, finding a soulmate partner is totally in your hands.

This isn’t something left to chance, luck, fate or anything else you may be tempted to give your power away to.

Once you gain awareness of the problem, you can shift it.

So your first step is to gain awareness of all that is hidden from you.

If It’s Hidden, How Do I Become Aware Of It?

I know, it sounds like you are asked to do the impossible.

But there are clues.

You can find them by getting really honest with yourself and asking yourself the right questions.

Clues can be found in your last relationships. What are the similarities? What were the main issues? Why did you stay or put up with those things?

Clues can be found from your childhood. How did you feel around your parents? What were your childhood struggles?

Clues can also be found by figuring out what you believe about love, relationships, others and yourself.

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