
How you view your past relationships is a huge predictor of how your future relationships will go.

The Turning Point of My Story

If you’ve read my story before, you may have noticed that the point where everything changed for me, was the point at which I stopped looking at my past relationships as something someone else did to me, and started to look at them as situations that I actively co-created along with those people. 

The spiritual book I read opened my eyes to the things that I was thinking and believing that caused me to accept and stay with people who clearly were not right for me.

You have to be willing to see the real TRUTH

When you are in the space of believing that the only person responsible for the relationship not working out is the other person, then you are NOT in a space where you can see the Truth. 

You can’t see it because you aren’t looking for it. You think you already KNOW what the problem is. 

Anytime you think you already know something, your mind is shut. You aren’t open to any new information. 

And the pattern continues. Nothing changes except for his name. 

Don’t Let Trauma Keep Derailing You

Now, you may be experiencing some resistance around taking any kind of responsibility for how those relationships turned out. 

I resisted it for a very long time. I felt like I would be admitting I was defective or that there actually WAS something wrong with me!

Or it would be admitting that I wasn’t loveable somehow. 

Dear one, I know it feels that way, but it isn’t true. That’s just your trauma talking. 

That trauma is simply trying to keep you safe. That’s it’s job. 

But you are not your trauma, and it isn’t you. 

You’re not defective, or unlovable, you simply have an energetic pattern on repeat that you’re trying to work out through these relationships. 

You just need to become aware of the pattern…and heal it. 

This is a normal part of being human. And this is the work on the path to becoming the best version of you.

Do This To See a Shift

So, if you want your dating situation to change, quickly, you’ll need to gather the courage to start examining those past relationships through the lens of ‘how did I co-create this situation?’. 

And to make a pact with yourself to always tell the truth to yourself, even if it hurts. 

I promise you, if you become willing to look at the part you played, the patterns will come to light. And your dating pattern will energetically shift, just as it did for me. 

These 3 questions are a very good start to doing this work. Spending some time journaling or meditation on these is strongly encouraged:

  1. What was the dominant theme of the relationship (shallow connection, emotional unavailability, deception, abuse, control, etc)
  2. Did you put up with treatment you shouldn’t have?
  3. Did you abandon yourself and your own needs

These are just a start and will help you to get into seeing the true energy dynamic of your relationships.

If you really want to break your patterns quickly. Find a practitioner that you vibe with and trust that can help you to not only see the full pattern, but can walk you though the process of healing and shifting it.

(This is exactly the kind of thing I do. I can help you. Let’s set up a chat so we can meet! Schedule here: Book Now)

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