
A lot of healers in the personal transformation/dating space seem to not want to come out and say this but…

…you haven’t found Mr. Right yet because you haven’t become the version of you that can ‘see’ him.

I know you want to argue with me on that. 

I know you want to tell me you don’t have to change for anyone. And you’re right, you don’t. 

You don’t need fixing.

What Got You Here…Won’t Get You There

But what got you to where you are today, will not get you to where you want to be. 

That’s as true for dating as it is for anything else that you want in life. 

Olympic athletes need to become the version of themselves that win medals. They do this through mindset, through practice, through believing that they can do it. 

They don’t sit on the couch and wish for gold. They take action to make their dream a reality. And when they fail, they re-assess and try again.

Business owners need to become the version of themselves that are able to see opportunities where none may have existed before. 

They have to do similar things as the Olympic athlete: work on belief, mindset, and take consistent action toward finding clients.  When they fail, they have to re-assess and try again until it works.

It’s no different with dating. 

If you’re simply wishing for things to be different and hiding because you’ve had bad results thus far, nothing is going to magically change for you. I had to learn this the hard way.

You aren’t unlucky in love. There actually is no such thing as luck. The Universal principle of cause and effect nullifies the concept of luck.

The truth is…you likely have met Mr. Right. You just couldn’t see him. 

The Friend-Zone

How many good guys did you friendzone or decline a date from because you ‘weren’t attracted to him’?

Probably quite a few. 

I know I did. I almost did that to my husband. 

A mutual friend introduced us and I thought he was nice and interesting. But I had no feels for him. 

That version of me could not SEE him.

The Change Up

I had to do something DIFFERENT in order to get what I wanted. Both externally and internally.

Externally, I committed to doing things that I would not ordinarily do.

Internally, I had to LET GO of how I thought finding Mr. Right should go.

And what I was about to find out…is I had to learn to become comfortable with someone who just gave me love and support without me having to work for it or prove my worthiness. 

This is a VERY common thing I’ve noticed among those that I have worked with; this need to have to prove their worth before they can accept love and support. 

Everything Changes When Your Awareness Shifts

Unfortunately, if you had told me this back when I was still dating, I would have told you that I don’t have a need to prove my worth. That I can accept love just fine. 

That’s the shitty part of this ladies…this isn’t CONSCIOUS

The only way you’re going to see it is if you dissect your past relationships and find the common thread.

It’s not easy to do on your own, especially when your brain is hiding stuff from you. 

What I want to leave you with is an invitation:

Be open to doing things differently. 

Be open to taking action that you normally wouldn’t do.

I promise, it WILL get your energy flowing in the right direction, toward that version of you that will finally be able to see Mr. Right. 

The biggest lie that people live into is believing that you are not powerful. 

You are very powerful. You, and only you, have the power to change your situation and manifest your Mr. Right. 

P.S. I can help you regain your power and become that version of you that has the partner you want. I can help you see potential mates CLEARLY so you don’t pass up the good ones and you pass on the bad ones. Click here to find out more about working with me: Dating Alchemy

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