
Here’s the thing…you’re NOT too old to find a great mate…you’re too old to stay stuck where you are

I saw this quote the other day on Facebook: ‘You’re not too old to learn and grow…but you are too old to stay stuck where you are.’

And it had me nodding my head in agreement.  

It got me thinking about the women I serve.

Continual Bad ‘Dating Luck’ = Stuck

I know that some of you are stuck in a familiar dating pattern. And probably have been for years, like I was. 

I also know how frustrating and futile that feels. 

It’s so disheartening to feel like there isn’t anything you can do about it.

How to Get Out of the Rut

I’ve studied energy for the last 10 years and if I’ve learned one thing about it, it’s that TAKING ACTION toward what you want is the best thing you can do to move toward releasing an energetic pattern. 

Your track record of dating the same kinds of guys and having your relationships keep taking similar paths, is ENERGETIC.

It might not feel that way to you right now, but as someone who got to the other side of her pattern and can look back, I assure you, it is.

I didn’t do anything heroic to shift that energy either. 

All it took was some clarity, some awareness and a lot of action taking.

3 Things You Can Do

First thing I did is I got super clear on what I wanted in a relationship. 

It sounds so simple, I know. But it’s a really important step that a lot of women gloss over thinking they already know.

Second thing I did is I gained awareness of my pattern and began to make different choices and take different actions.

Third thing I did is I took action. A lot of it. I committed to being visible and getting out into the world so that I actually had a chance to meet someone instead of hiding at home where nobody can find me. 


Within 3 months I had met the man who became my husband. 

So ladies, if you are tired of wasting time dating the wrong guys, do something to shake up your energy!

Get that clarity on what it is you really want.

Take the time to gain awareness of your pattern. The best way to do that is to examine your past relationships and figure out what the lessons were.

And finally, get out of your comfort zone. You won’t meet your partner in your current comfort zone. If he were there, you’d have found him already. 

If I told you I can help you do ALL of this…for FREE, would you be interested?

I’m hosting a free 3-day get-it-done style workshop that is designed to give you the clarity you need and the motivation to take more action toward what you truly want.

Here’s the link for more information: Find Your Mate (Without Even Trying)

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