About Me

Hi there! I'm Jen Youngquist.

I'm a Strategic Intervention Certified life coach, Sacred Depths certified coach, Yoga Health Coach, energy healer and yoga teacher.

This my story of how awakening spiritually finally led me to meet the man who became my husband after 20+ years of dating emotionally unavailable men.

This is my story

The Awakening...

I had just been through the most devastating breakup of engagement #2. 

The two subsequent guys that came into my life after that only wanted a FWB (friends with benefits) relationship.

‘What is happening!?’
‘Is there something wrong with me?’
‘Why doesn’t anyone really want me?’

Those were some of the most common thoughts in my head at the time.

Nobody was choosing me, though I desperately wanted them to.

It was a terrible place to be.

I remember feeling so helpless. Like I didn’t have a say.

And I didn’t know what to do about it.

I was a strong, independent woman, but while I enjoyed my alone time, I really wanted someone to share my life with.

Not because I needed someone to take care of me, but because I wanted to do life WITH someone. I wanted a true partner.

But with each relationship it was looking more and more like that wasn’t going to happen for me.

I didn’t know what else to do so I went the ‘woo’ route by taking a friend’s advice to see a psychic medium she recommended.

I figured it couldn’t hurt.

It actually ended up changing my life.

She told me to get a book.

So I did.

It was a book on spiritual laws and principles.

The information in that book was exactly what I needed to be able to shift my dating pattern.

It helped me to see how much power I TRULY had and how to use it to get what I wanted.

So I put the principles to work, meditated on what I wanted and three months later someone introduced me to the man who would become my husband!

It wasn’t all sunshine, rainbows and ‘jump your bones’ energy when I met him like I thought it would be.

I even friend-zoned him at first.

But I was able to come back to the principles I learned and do some internal work to break free of that last bit of energetic stagnation that was keeping me from actually seeing him.

Once the veil covering my perception was removed, the feelings came.

We’ve been together for 12 years, married for nearly 5.

This is why I’ve created Dating Alchemy.

Dating Alchemy is the club I wish was available to me 12 years ago as it would have made my journey to find a partner so much easier.

I’m going to teach you what you need to know and do in order to shake up your dating so you can find that incredible, attuned partner you’ve been thinking only exists in fairy tales and romance novels!

Dating Alchemy is the club I wish was available to me 12 years ago as it would have made my journey to find a partner so much easier.

Want to know more about how we can work together to help you find YOUR match?

Click here to schedule your free consultation