Signs of the UNHEALED: Subtle behavior to watch out for

The first in a series of subtle signs that someone may not be ready for the kind of relationship you want I’m going to be doing a series on specific relationship red flags to watch out for when you’re dating someone. Now, these won’t be the super obvious ones – think outright abuse, anger issues […]

The One Relationship To Rule Them ALL…

The greatest relationship you will ever have is the one with yourself. If this one is off, the rest of your relationships will also be off. It is the key to enjoying fulfilling relationships. Don’t Skimp On or Avoid This One But often I see people avoiding this one or thinking that the work here […]

This is one powerful method for calling in your beloved

Did you know, that you can start opening up lines of communication between you and the partner you want to call in RIGHT NOW? Like actually TALK to this person (out loud or in your head). Maybe even see if you can connect to this person energetically. I know on the surface it may seem […]

Date without fear – how to get over your fear of heartbreak

afraid of heartbreak

If the fear of heartbreak is keeping you from putting yourself out there in the dating world, I want to offer you a perspective here.  While there isn’t a single relationship in the world that doesn’t come without risk. There is a way to mitigate that risk so that it doesn’t become so devastatingly painful.  […]

Unlock Your Power to Manifest Your Sacred Partner: BELIEVE NOW

How to manifest a partner

A huge piece of manifesting a partner is believing that your ideal mate exists and trusting that he will show up when both of you are ready.  If you don’t have total belief in this, it will delay (or even totally BLOCK) your meeting.  Some of you reading this have very little faith that this […]

How Gratitude Can Help You Find The Partner Of Your Dreams

Likely you know that having gratitude for things in your life is important, but do you know why exactly? In this video I explain why it’s essential to finding the partner of your dreams. Links mentioned in the video: Podcast Episode 2 Podcast Episode 3 Dating Alchemy Private Coaching

How to Find a Good Man: Why Having One Foot Out is a Losing Strategy For Love

How to find a good man

If your approach to relationships involves always having ‘one foot out the door’ or you are ‘waiting for the other shoe to drop’, you’ve already energetically doomed the relationship to failure.  Here’s why. Both of those colloquialisms express FEAR. The Problem With Focusing On Fear Fear is what you feel as a result of putting […]

Why Your ‘Someday’ Dream Romantic Relationship Will Never Happen

Why Dreams Remain Dreams Are you someone who uses the words ‘some day’ when you think about the ideal romantic relationship you want? Do you just daydream about this relationship or hold hope that it will happen for you one day but you don’t take any present day action to make it happen? If so, […]