Your Past Relationships Hold the Key to You Finding Your Dream Partner (Warning: truth bomb inside)

Dear one, I’m going to share an uncomfortable truth with you. I hope you hang around for this, especially if you find yourself a little bit triggered by reading this. (Being triggered is an indication that it is for you in some way) Here goes… Your past love relationships, didn’t happen TO you. You were […]
Do you have a tendency to hold onto relationships that you know aren’t serving you?

Like, when you KNOW this guy is not really what you want, or there’s a lot of drama, or he’s emotionally unavailable in some way? I used to do this with pretty much every relationship I had because I was believing some things that just weren’t true (but they FELT so true). Beliefs That Were […]
Finding your ideal mate is a lot like…ordering a pizza?

What if I told you that finding the kind of mate you are looking for is a lot like ordering a pizza? Manifestation Is Basically Putting Your Order In To The Universe Manifesting works similarly to ordering anything, but in this case, we’ll use pizza. You have to know a few things before you place […]
Here’s the thing…you’re NOT too old to find a great mate…you’re too old to stay stuck where you are

I saw this quote the other day on Facebook: ‘You’re not too old to learn and grow…but you are too old to stay stuck where you are.’ And it had me nodding my head in agreement. It got me thinking about the women I serve. Continual Bad ‘Dating Luck’ = Stuck I know that some […]
Get Off The Dating Apps! (And Do This Instead for Better Results…)

I’m actually grateful that dating apps weren’t a huge thing back when I was still in the dating pool. I’m grateful because that means I had to get out of my introvert comfort zone and get out into the world. In case you don’t know my story, I didn’t meet my husband directly. I met […]
Is your internal compass pointing to TRUE North (the answer is NO if you’re stuck in a dating pattern)

Your body is your compass. It tells you when something feels unsafe. It tells you when something is uncomfortable (not WHY it’s uncomfortable, but just that there is discomfort). It tells you how you are feeling in the moment. It can tell you if you are making a ‘good’ choice or not. It tells you […]
Why Your dating Strategy Is Outdated (And How to Fix It)

TLDR: Your dating ‘strategy’ with emotionally unavailable men is not and never will work for you because it’s the strategy you developed as a child in order to deal with your emotionally unavailable parents. Heal that and you fix your dating issue. I help people do this, see below for ways to work with me. […]
One reason you may not be meeting quality people to date is because you aren’t fully being YOU

You may understand that authenticity is important in relationships. I mean, who seriously likes someone that’s obviously pretending to be something they are not? It’s a huge turn off. Because it’s a LIE. Inauthenticity Can Be Subtle Too But you may not fully see how even being subtly inauthentic, can be just as damaging. What […]
The Uncomfortable Truth About Dating That Nobody Wants to Tell You

A lot of healers in the personal transformation/dating space seem to not want to come out and say this but… …you haven’t found Mr. Right yet because you haven’t become the version of you that can ‘see’ him. I know you want to argue with me on that. I know you want to tell me […]
Why Do Some People Have An Easier Time Finding A Great Mate Than You?

You may be asking yourself this question: “Why do some people have an easier time finding a great mate than I do?“ You’re not alone, I used to think this all the time when I was in the dating world. There are two reasons, in my opinion… 1) They settled. This almost happened to me […]