Must read! How To Attract A Good Guy
The 5 things I put off for far too long that kept me from attracting a good guy If you are currently not happy with your relationships OR you’re currently not happy because you can’t FIND a great relationship, then this is for you. You may not be ready to hear or accept what I’m […]
The Biggest Pitfall In Dating Is….
Relationships are a lot of work. If you are single, it takes a lot of energy to get out of your comfort zone and meet new people and deal with any socially awkward situations. It takes a ton of energy to work out issues that crop up along the way. Not to mention the internal […]
Why Everything You Know About Dating Is Wrong
Well, maybe not everything! But a very major part of dating, most people get wrong. I did too, for a very long time. Dating Beliefs Are ‘Handed Down’ Unfortunately, a lot of what you know about dating was handed down to you by family and friends. These ‘inherited’ beliefs are a major part of what’s […]
My secret to success with finding my husband quickly
I’ve spoken many times about how quickly things changed in my dating life. I went from 2 failed engagements, many multi-year relationships with emotionally unavailable people and finally there toward the end, only attracting those that wanted casual relationships TO finding the man that would become my husband within 3 months of shifting this ONE […]
Do you feel like it’s taking WAY too long to find your soulmate partner?
My Mother used to use the old adage ‘you have to kiss a lot of frogs before you find your prince’ whenever I was down about a relationship not working out. The adage isn’t untrue, really. Most people you meet and date and definitely will not be right for you. But because 3 of your […]
What everyone’s afraid to tell you about why your love life is filled with so much drama…
Does your love life always seem to be filled with…drama? Like the partners you end up with have an issue, illness or past that keeps getting in the way of you being able to fully enjoy the relationship with them? When things are good they are GOOD! But those times seem to be few and […]
The One Thing REALLY Wasting Your Time In Dating
Dating isn’t wasting your time. Other people aren’t wasting your time. Meeting a lot of the wrong ones is not what is wasting your time, this is part of it. Most people you meet will NOT be for you. The True Time Waster What’s wasting your time is holding onto those wrong ones for too […]
How to Make Dating FUN Again
Dating sucks! It’s NOT fun for you anymore. Why Dating is Hard It’s lost its mystery. It’s become a chore, frustrating, disappointing. You keep meeting the same guy just with a different face. MR doesn’t want anything serious MR set in his ways MR doesn’t go out of his way for you MR selfish MR […]
My Lessons in Pissing Off a Goddess
Gods/Goddesses don’t really give a fuck if you believe in them or not. It’s not that I didn’t believe in them. I knew better. I had taken shamanic workshops. I knew they were energies that had wisdom and teachings for us humans. But I didn’t believe that they were actually vengeful and could actually affect […]
How To Take A Gratitude Practice Deeper And Why You Should
With the holiday season in full swing I wanted to take a moment to talk about gratitude. To really reap the benefits of a gratitude practice, you’ll need to do more than just cultivate an awareness of what all you have to be grateful for. I’m sure you understand why cultivating gratitude in your life […]