
What You Need To Know If You Are Codependent In Relationships


If you feel like your relationships are on the codependent side, you could be some shade of disempowered when it comes to your own needs.  The second personal power piece is acknowledging that you have needs AND that they matter. Empowered  A person who is fully in their power around their needs: Codependent = Disempowered […]

What Does Emotionally Unavailable Really Mean?

What does emotionally unavailable really mean?

The term emotionally unavailable gets tossed around a lot in the dating world, and for good reason.  It is rampant.  But what does emotionally unavailable mean? Keep reading as I’m going to break it down for you.  What Does It Mean To Be Emotionally Unavailable? The simplest way you can think about what it means […]

The Truth About Love That Even Smart People Don’t Realize

The Truth About Love

There is one truth about love that I wished I knew 20 years ago. The problem is, I doubt I would have believed it if someone had told me this.  I just wasn’t ready to hear that I was the source of my own problems! (I already healed all of that, right?) So, it was […]

Why Self-Love Isn’t Enough To Stop Attracting Emotionally Unavailable Partners

stop attracting emotionally unavailable partners

One of the biggest misconceptions I see in the self-help field is that if you just ‘loved yourself’ more, then you wouldn’t be attracting emotionally unavailable partners. People who say that and subscribe to that doctrine, in my opinion, don’t really know what else to tell you in order to stop attracting emotionally unavailable partners.  […]