What You Need To Know If You Are Codependent In Relationships
If you feel like your relationships are on the codependent side, you could be some shade of disempowered when it comes to your own needs. The second personal power piece is acknowledging that you have needs AND that they matter. Empowered A person who is fully in their power around their needs: Codependent = Disempowered […]
Are You Missing The Personal Power Pieces Required To Attract Uncommon Love?
The secret to attracting and retaining an uncommon love partner is being as much in your own personal power as possible. And by uncommon love, I mean the kind of love that seems to be so hard for many of us to find these days. ✨Love with someone who is open, who welcomes us into […]
Two Reasons Why You Keep Getting Ghosted (and why it’s actually a GOOD thing)
If you find that you keep getting ghosted by your dates, I’m about to offer you some insight on why that may be happening for you and what you can do about it. But first let’s look at what ghosting really is. Ghosting is saying ‘no, I’m not interested’ without actually saying anything at all. […]
What Does Emotionally Unavailable Really Mean?
The term emotionally unavailable gets tossed around a lot in the dating world, and for good reason. It is rampant. But what does emotionally unavailable mean? Keep reading as I’m going to break it down for you. What Does It Mean To Be Emotionally Unavailable? The simplest way you can think about what it means […]
You Don’t Have To Fear Dating Again After Failed Relationships If You Do This
I get it, you’ve been through the ringer with your last awful relationship and now you have a fear of dating. The thought of getting back in the game and taking more emotional bruises makes you tired or even a little sick. You value your freedom and you are totally enjoying it! You have […]
The Truth About Love That Even Smart People Don’t Realize
There is one truth about love that I wished I knew 20 years ago. The problem is, I doubt I would have believed it if someone had told me this. I just wasn’t ready to hear that I was the source of my own problems! (I already healed all of that, right?) So, it was […]
Why Self-Love Isn’t Enough To Stop Attracting Emotionally Unavailable Partners
One of the biggest misconceptions I see in the self-help field is that if you just ‘loved yourself’ more, then you wouldn’t be attracting emotionally unavailable partners. People who say that and subscribe to that doctrine, in my opinion, don’t really know what else to tell you in order to stop attracting emotionally unavailable partners. […]