Are you living fully? Or are you ‘on hold’? Two different energies that can affect your ability to manifest a partner.

manifest a partner

What I’m going to talk about in this post is a subtle component to manifest a partner.

It’s is a follow up to last week’s post about the ‘someday’ partner. (If you missed it, you can find it here: Why Your ‘Someday’ Dream Romantic Relationship Will Never Happen)

Last week I talked about how when we are in ‘someday’ energy, that thing we are wanting someday lives in the future.

It doesn’t live in the present and therefore will never manifest. 

Manifesting From Lack Won’t Work

The energy of someday (which is future-focused) means you are lacking something today.

You cannot manifest anything you truly want from the energy of lack or scarcity. That will only bring you more of what you think you are missing. 

But you ARE missing that piece, right? Or you wouldn’t be wanting it.

So how are you supposed to manifest if you don’t have it?

Manifesting A Partner From ‘It’s Done’ and Gratitude

If you don’t already have a partner and you want one, and you focus on not having that partner. Or you focus on ‘where can find a partner?’, then that is trying to manifest from the energy of lack.

What you should be doing instead is working on your belief that what you want is also seeking you. That it WILL happen. Then be GRATEFUL that you are partnering with the Universe for it to happen.

It’s a subtle adjustment in thinking that has big energy pay off.

Here’s An Example

Serious question here: is there anything you are putting off doing, acquiring, or feeling until you find your dream partner?

This came up for a client this week and I have a feeling some of you may also be putting off some major things in your life because you either would rather do them with a partner or you aren’t sure it would end up being a good decision if you found a partner. 

For example, maybe you have put off traveling because you don’t want to go alone.

Or maybe you have put off buying a home because you’ve always dreamt of doing this with a partner. 

I know people who have put off feeling happy with their life until they meet someone.

I was unknowingly doing that last one. I wasn’t happy with my life because it didn’t meet the expectations I had for it in my head at the time. 

That caused me to contract. I pulled my energy in. I didn’t go out. I didn’t participate in things. 

It caused me to hide and it became a self-fulfilling prophecy because I was focusing on the lack of connection in my life instead of focusing on MAKING connections. 

The Shift

It wasn’t until I shifted the way I thought about that and started getting out and LIVING that I finally met the man who became my husband (because I made a NEW connection with someone). 

I ‘put my order in’ to the Universe by meditating on what I wanted.

But I wasn’t asking the Universe for this. I was SHOWING it who to bring to me.

During my meditation I was believing AHEAD OF TIME that he existed and I trusted that I would meet him soon. And I was grateful for that.

Attention Changes Vibration

You want to change your life and manifest a partner quickly, then put your order in to the Universe, have faith it will happen, then put your attention on living to the fullest. Right now.

When you are living to the fullest, your attention is not on what you lack.

Your attention is on what brings you joy, peace, love and whatever else you value.

To find more connection, you have to be open to connection.

To find more love, you have to be open to more love (which also means giving it to people).

To find the partner you desire, you have to focus not on how or where to find one, but on BECOMING a magnetic, desirable partner yourself. 

There’s nobody more magnetic than someone who is enjoying their life to the fullest.

That’s why I will always be an advocate of taking ALIGNED action. 

Aligned actions are those that you do because you enjoy them, are curious, or are just simply looking for new experiences. Like joining a club for a hobby you enjoy, or taking a walk in nature, or traveling alone.

To find your dream partner, hold the intention of what you want, then stop putting off the things you want to do and go LIVE NOW! The present moment is all that you have. 

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