how to find a good guy

Do you dare to believe that what you want…is also wanting you?

This is actually a spiritual law.

The Law of Synchronicity

It’s the ‘what you seek is seeking you’, law.

Basically, it works with the Law of Correspondence (your thoughts become things manifested in the outside world).

Your internal world is busy creating, all the time, with your thoughts. Those vibrations from your thoughts go out into the world and become part of a chain of events that has some effect.

Those thoughts also cause you to feel a certain way and you take action based on those feelings.

And the Law of Synchronicity is saying that those thoughts and actions act like a beacon for someone else that resonates with that.

It assures us that there will always be someone that resonates with that.

You Can’t Have What You Want!

Way too often, especially as women, we are shamed for what we want. 

Shamed for our desires.

Judged for our natural desires. 

Made to feel guilty for even having needs, much less DESIRES!

It’s no wonder most of us have learned to distrust our desires and needs.

We’ve come to believe they are something to be avoided or suppressed. 

We believe instead SOMEDAY. Someday we might be able to have what we want. 

When all the stars align. When we’re given permission.

What We Create As A Result

You know what this is called?

A hope structure.

You hope that someday what you truly desire will become a reality for you. 

This is why you hold on to men who aren’t ready for what you want RIGHT FUCKING NOW. 

This is why you accept those ones who only want a casual thing, hoping that they will SOMEDAY just suddenly see how awesome you are and fall in love. 

This is why you latch onto those ‘broken bird’ kind of men who have a lot of healing to do and you think you can WAIT for them to do that. 

This is why you accept second-best and date that man who isn’t fully single and available. 

It’s all because you don’t believe that you are worthy of what you truly desire. 

You don’t believe you can have that. 

So We Wait & We Work

Sister, I feel you. I’ve done the same thing. And if I’m being honest, I still do from time to time, just over different things. 

I’m here to share my hard-earned experience with you. 

As females, we were constantly being told to WAIT. That we had to wait for what we wanted. 

That we had to be GOOD in order to get what we wanted. 

Told our needs were not as important as others. 

Told we were selfish for even wanting those things!

Told that we had to WAIT to be noticed; to be CHOSEN.

Fuck that, sisters!


If you want to meet a good guy NOW, then it’s time to reclaim our desires, our needs. 

It’s time to reclaim our POWER!

How do we do that, exactly?

We look for TRUTH.

Not some else’s truth. Opinions are like assholes – everyone has one and everyone thinks theirs doesn’t stink. 

You want to look for THE TRUTH. From a higher source. 

I’m not talking about truth from patriarchal sources such as religion either. 

I’m talking about YOUR HIGHER WISDOM.

The one you were born with. 

The one that knows what’s up. 

Your internal compass.

The one you have been ignoring because you put your trust in OTHERS.

Yeah, she’s waiting for you and she’s got some things to say.

Maybe it’s time to pay her a visit?

P.S. Sisters…if you’re tired on waiting for what you want but aren’t sure how to get results NOW, then I want to invite you to a powerful dating audit call with me. It’s totally FREE, no obligations at all. What we’ll do is dissect your dating life and I’ll give you a personalized map on what you can do to start to call in your beloved RIGHT NOW. Simply, click the button below to schedule.

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