II want to talk about support and why you might not have it.

Do you have this current of feeling unsupported running through your life? 

Like you’ve never gotten and still don’t get the support from your family that you want. 

Or you don’t get the kind of support from your friends that you’d really like. 

You generally go it alone and figure things out on your own. 

You pride yourself for being strong and resilient. And you totally are! 

If you’re with me so far, then this article is for you.
I’m sure you’ve heard of the Law of Attraction.

It’s the ‘manifesting law’. It gets a lot of press.

But it’s kind of misunderstood. 

It’s really made of several other spiritual laws that actually give it the juice. 

Law of Attraction really only states that ‘like attracts like’.

Which is enough for this discussion. 

Like attracts like, what does that really mean? 

You may have heard the saying ‘birds of a feather flock together’. That people who have the same likes, interests, degree of openness, vibration, etc, associate with each other. 

Look at your friend group as an example. You may have a friend or two that seems ‘opposite’ of you, but I assure you, you are more alike than different where it counts; which is vibrationally. 

Look at your family. Perhaps you have a sister/brother/cousin that you like but don’t really get together with very often. 

It isn’t because you don’t like this person. You’re not sure why you don’t really associate much. You may even think s/he doesn’t like you all that much.  

The reason why is totally because you and this person have a different vibration.

You aren’t ‘alike’ enough for you to gravitate toward each other. 

Your core beliefs are different than theirs and that puts off a certain vibration. 

Most likely, if you are feeling unsupported by your family, you tend to harbor some resentment.

You might adopt a wait and see approach; as in ‘Nobody’s offered me anything so I’ll wait to see what they offer me before I offer my time and resources to them’. 

Unfortunately, this kind of thinking closes your heart. It makes your vibration different. A closed heart/demeanor puts off a different vibration than an open one.  

That’s because it’s deficient in love. And love is the highest vibration. 

Resentment is a much lower vibration. So, if we look to the Law of Attraction which simply states ‘like attracts like’, when you operate from resentment and a closed heart, that is all you can expect to attract back to you. 

Don’t believe me? Look at your life.

If you’ve given up on people in your life then likely your vibration has become different from theirs. 

If you are craving support from others but you yourself aren’t willing to be free with giving out support to others without conditions, then you can only expect get more of the same. 

If you want something different, you have to be a vibrational match for that, first. 

If you want a family member to step up and offer you more of their support, unconditionally, then YOU have to be willing to do the same, NOW, not after you get their offer. NOW 

And if you are sitting here saying to yourself ‘but I AM willing to lend my support and they still don’t offer’, then I’d challenge you to be super honest with yourself. 

Has this person asked you for help in the past and you claimed you were too busy?

Do you put them on blast every time they ask you for something? Do you truly have the energy of openness? Do you ever offer them anything? 

If the answer is no, then I’m sorry to say, but you expecting others to do for you what you are unwilling to do for them will NEVER happen. 

So if you crave support from those around you, you MUST step up first. 

It sucks, I know. Especially when you feel the way you do because you didn’t have crucial support when you needed it. 

But if you want things to change, this is what you must do to change it. Things won’t just ‘get better’ on their own.  The Universe operates in a give first then get way.

It’s simply energy. When you understand this and start to live from this inside out kind of way, life magically changes for you.
Take It Deeper

If you want to take this concept deeper and uncover your energetic blocks, I invite you to do a little journaling or meditation on these questions: 

1. What is my normal response whenever anyone asks me for help? Does resistance pop up first? Do you feel resentment? What is the emotion, can you name it?
2. When is the last time you offered no strings attached help to someone else? (especially to the family member you want more support from)
3. What do you need from this person in order to let go of resentment and resistance?

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