The Truth About Love

There is one truth about love that I wished I knew 20 years ago.

The problem is, I doubt I would have believed it if someone had told me this. 

I just wasn’t ready to hear that I was the source of my own problems! (I already healed all of that, right?)

So, it was far easier to believe that there must be something wrong with me for all these guys to not want me.

Which is sad and not the whole truth! 

I KNOW some of you are thinking the same things about yourself.

Which is why you need to hear this.👇🏻

The Truth About Love:

The truth about love is: you are always having the experience of love for which you think you have the rights to.

If you think you don’t have a right to have your own needs met, you will cater to everyone else and always find people who will take advantage of that (which only serves to reinforce your belief).

If you think you don’t have the right to assert yourself and be heard, you will not speak up and you will always find people who won’t listen to you or ask you what you want. (Again, that reinforces your belief that you aren’t important enough to be heard.)

My Missing Right

For me, the biggest right that was giving me the experience of love with avoidant men was I didn’t think I had the right to be loved. 

It was NOT that I didn’t think I deserved love, but that people would actually love me deeply (and not betray me). 

Therefore, my experience of love was with men that didn’t want that deep love experience.

Men who wouldn’t fully commit.

How You Can Shift Your Experience Of Love

It wasn’t until I took the time to examine that ‘right’ and shift it that things actually changed for me.

So, if you find yourself in a similar situation where your experience of love seems to repeat itself, take notice!

It’s time to pay attention to that and examine it. 

Write down all the characteristics and similarities of those relationships. 

What you write down will give you a hint about what you believe about love right now. 

Shift that, and your relationship pattern will shift along with it. 

This is what I help people do!

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