
Should you forgive if you never get a heartfelt apology?

Today I’m going to talk about the ‘F’ word. No, not that ‘F’ word! The word I’m talking about is forgiveness. Forgiveness gets a bad rap because people tend to confuse it with absolving another of their transgression against you. Forgiveness is not about giving someone a free pass to hurt you. It’s more for you […]

How to get more support in your life

II want to talk about support and why you might not have it. Do you have this current of feeling unsupported running through your life?  Like you’ve never gotten and still don’t get the support from your family that you want.  Or you don’t get the kind of support from your friends that you’d really […]

Change Your Life Through One Simple Act….

Today, I want to talk about something I remind my clients of regularly to watch out for. And that’s negativity bias. Negativity bias is a psychological phenomenon that suggests our brains are wired to pay more attention to negative information and experiences than positive ones. Especially if that negative information fits our current belief system […]

DATING CAN FEEL LIKE A CHORE – How to Make Dating Easier

how to make dating easier

You may feel like you are just unlucky or that having the kind of relationship you desire, with a partner that is a true partner in every sense of the word, is just not in the cards for you. This is especially true for those of us near 40 and over that have been around […]

Beware of Fake Vulnerability

When vulnerability is used as a manipulation tactic and how you can spot it. In my last post, I talked about this comfort zone that we all have around being vulnerable. The thing with being vulnerable is, it will always be met with truth. Truth about the level of vulnerability that that human is willing […]

How Much More Time Are You Going To Let Slip By Dating The Wrong People?

how to find your soulmate

How to find a soulmate You’ve been single for a LONG time. Perhaps never having married.  And it’s not from lack of trying! Your heart has gone through the ringer multiple times, with nothing to show for it. 💔 Every guy (or gal) you pick turns out to be unsupportive or perhaps controlling in some way […]

There Is Only ONE Simple Reason You Are Still Single

why am i still single

Why am I still single? It’s a fair question and I used to ask myself this all the time. I could sit here and give you a list of 10 like everyone else does. I know people like that shit but here is why it would be a waste of your time. Every single one […]

Attraction: The Only Secret That You Need To Know


Attraction is all about energy.  You are frustrated with dating right now because you keep attracting the wrong partners. There is a large part of you that thinks this is happening because you aren’t enough in some way or even are too much in other ways. Like you are some kind of ‘tough sell’.  For […]