Relationship Release

Release Your Old Relationship to Recover your heart, power
and confidence

4 Week 1:1 Program

Ready to get back to being you again?

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A 4-week program to help you go from breakup heartache to recovering your heart, power and confidence so you can release the relationship QUICKLY

Your feelings seem like they are out of control and you feel like you should be over this already. But the grief keeps coming. You know this relationship was not good for you and you'd really just like to move on from it.

But you have some thoughts on repeat that are triggering negative self talk, creating guilt, fear, regret, shame, anxiety and worry. What you thought was true is not anymore. You are obsessing over what did or didn't happen (shoulda, coulda, woulda).

You likely aren't taking the best care of yourself and you are spending quite a bit of time trying to avoid your thoughts and feelings about the person and situation. Both of which are only serving to extend the heartache.

You just can't seem to get your ex off your mind for good. Hell, you'd probably even take him back if came knocking on your door! Both of these things make you feel shame and weak and powerless.

You just want to be done with this and move on with your life!

Relationship Release Will Help You Do That!

There are three reasons your feelings persist:

1. You aren't allowing yourself to fully feel them
2. You haven't completely accepted everything that happened
3. You haven't fully integrated the lessons of the relationship

Here is how we will address these things on all four levels of healing:

The Emotional Level

This level is all about ALLOWING. You have to allow and accept before you can move on. Here is is essential to connect to your own internal resources so that you can accept and honor what is and finally process these sticky feelings.

I'll help you get connected to your self-compassion, your inner wisdom and I'll walk you through the process of uncovering, exploring and processing everything you are feeling right now.

The Mental Level

Those obsessive thoughts are keeping you in stuck in a thought loop. Likely you bounce from angry/empowered to sad/victim. You have an internal dialog that is judging or shaming you for your actions or for continuing to have feelings about the situation. In this step you will learn how to connect to this judgy part of you so it will relax. We will uncover the story you've been telling yourself as well as any limiting thoughts/beliefs or key decisions that you made at some point that are no longer serving you and keeping you from releasing this relationship.

I will help you connect to and befriend your internal judge so that you can allow these feelings in and to process through. I'll help you to poke holes in this story you been telling yourself that is keeping you in this negative thought loop.You'll also learn how to bring yourself back to the present moment so you stop 'future-tripping'.

The Physical Level

THE best way to move through tough times is to learn to be present with yourself and approach yourself with an abundance of self-compassion. When you can be present and simply allow, with love, those raw emotions move through like a wave - they come in and they dissipate.

We'll come up with a plan for self-care during this time. You'll learn how to become the observer of your own behavior so you can identify what you do to avoid yourself and your feelings. You'll also learn how to interrupt those patterns and be very present with those emotions you've been avoiding.

The Spiritual Level

The biggest reason you can't get your ex off your mind is because that relationship still has lessons for you. Likely you have not discovered and integrated them all. Once you do that, there is no need for the attachment to this relationship and you find it will start to fade and your power return.

I will help you to connect more deeply to yourself as a spiritual being to figure out and integrate the lessons of this relationship. You'll practice forgiving yourself and others so that the binds of this relationship can loosen. You'll also learn how to use surrender as a spiritual practice so that you can more strongly hear the direction of Spirit.

This 4 week program includes:

$ 397
  • Weekly 1 hour 1:1 Zoom sessions
  • Private Facebook support group where you can get your questions answered, share insights
    & receive inspiration from me and others in the group
  • Exercises and Guided Visualizations that will help you connect more fully to yourself on all levels
  • Deep Healing so that you can release this sticky relationship and move forward stronger than ever
Limited Time Offer!